The Milestone Stamp Card is an exciting new feature on meed, designed to make rewarding customer loyalty more engaging and dynamic. By allowing businesses to offer rewards at the end of the journey and at key milestones along the way, this feature creates a richer and more motivating customer experience.
In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the simple steps to create and customise a Milestone Stamp Card using the meed platform. This will help unlock its full potential to drive customer engagement and repeat visits. Let’s get started!
Step 0 - Get Prepared:
We will create a step card for our demonstration business, Delicious Restaurant. We need to plan so we have everything ready to go.
We need to choose between a 10- and 20-stamp card. In this case, I will select the 20-stamp card.
We need to know how many stamps will generate a reward. In this case, I have decided that in addition to the mandatory award at 20 stamps, rewards will also be generated at 5, 10, and 15 stamps when the card is complete.
We need to decide what those rewards will be to have images ready to upload, as each reward will need an image. I have decided that the rewards will be:
5 stamps: A free drink voucher
10 stamps: A complimentary side dish voucher
15 stamps: A 20% discount voucher
20 stamps (full card): A free pizza!
Now we know what we are setting up and with the images ready to upload, let’s get to work.
Step 1 - Create the Rewards for your Milestone Stamp Card
Before creating the Step card or Milestone Card, we must prepare all the rewards in advance.
After logging into the portal, head to the Campaign screen:
Click the big plus button to create a new campaign. You will now be the voucher creation screen looking at a blank form:
Our first reward is a free drink. So, we will choose a giveaway and fill in the fields as follows:
Product or Service: Free Drink
Giveaway Address: All Locations
A description explaining what this voucher is for
One requirement is that this voucher is not to be used in conjunction with any other offer
Upload an image of a free drink
The form now looks like this:
Now click "Save to Voucher Bank" and "Save to Bank" in the pop-up confirmation dialogue.
When saving, the view will change to the Campaign Management Screen. Click the Voucher Bank button under "Manage Your Campaigns" to see the new voucher stored and waiting for use.
Now, let's create the remaining vouchers for the stamp card.
This is the screen for a free side dish:
Then, the voucher for the third reward, a 20% discount:
And finally, the big reward for completing the card is a free pizza!
Having saved the fourth and final reward, we click the Voucher Bank tab and we an see all the vouchers ready to go:
Step 2 - Create the Stamp Card
Look for this button on the left-hand menu of the portal:
After pressing it, you will see the Milestone Stamp Card screen. The default is 10 stamps; we are going to change it to 20 stamps for our card, so in the centre panel click the toggle switch. We now see 20 stamps, and the final stamp is marked as a reward:
We have planned to offer a reward at 5, 10 and 15 stamps as well as the final reward at 20 stamps. All we have to do is click the boxes for 5, 10 and 15. They will turn orange, and a dropdown menu will be added for each stamp in column 3.
We have also given the stamp card a name - Rewards Galore - a description and uploaded an image.
Now, we can use the drop-downs in column three to allocate a reward from the voucher bank to each stamp milestone.
For each milestone, in this case, stamps 5, 10, 15 and 20, we add the pre-planned reward. The form looks like this once we have finished:
Now all you have to do is press "Create Campaign" and in the dialogue box that pops up, click "yes".
Your stamp card is live and will be distributed to all your members. In fact, within seconds, they will get a notification on their phones like this:
You stamp cards as normal using the meed app. A tutorial on how to use the meed App for Business is listed in the related articles below.